our solutions for RF Module jammer
Our customers typically purchase anti drone modules for DIY assenbly, and we tailor a personalized solution for you based on one-stop service principle.For instance,the customer assembles a portable case designed to jam the drone'signal, and you personally specify the required frequency to interfere with the drone'signal.
10/20/30/50/100W RF Module
433M | 428-438MHZ |
900M | 840-928MHZ |
1.2G |
1.4G | 1450-1550MHZ |
5.2G | 5150-5350MHZ |
5.8G | 5725-5850 MHZ |
50/100W FPV Module
250M | 200-300MHZ |
350M | 300-400MHZ |
450M |
550M | 500-600MHZ |
900M | 850-1100MHZ |
The products of module numbers are as follows
Customers bought not only these RF or FPV modules, but also an OMNI 60cm antenna and directional antenna, a heatsink, a lithium-ion battery, etc.
Since we have stable accessories partners for modular anti-drone solutions, we can secure the components with speed and at a resonablre cost.More important data and match, our expert RF engineers provide professional technical advice, ensuring that customers do not concern themselves with after-sales service.
Below is its completed backpack 1 piece, and its end customers were very satisfied with the full design and remote interference range more than 1-1.5 km radius. He is ready to buy a large number of modules from us again to meet the great demand of customers and assemble them for mass production by himself.We will pack these modules and accessories well and ship the goods to their doorstep in their country by air freight with our reliable agent.