Why signal jammer user =crimer?

When it comes to using a signal jammer, do you associate it with a serious crime?

Maybe someone will say yes, because it is illegal in many countries.Yet some fail to link 'criminality' and 'jammer.' It's more complex than it appears.

The significance of possessing tools like jammers, self-defense batons, etc., must be understood. If they end up in the wrong hands, they pose a danger to all individuals nearby.

As you can see clearly, we have previously discussed jammers and their uses.

Thus, the question is:

Do criminals use signal jammers?

Yes, they do. And they sell jamming devices for much more profit.

Thieves use jammers for three main reasons:

  1. Cell phone jammers stop alarm systems from making emergency calls.
  2. Wi-Fi and radio frequency blockers can block cameras from sending pictures.
  3. GPS, LoJack, and GSM jammers make it hard to track vehicles.

Organized crime groups also use jammers. Here's why:

  1. They block hidden microphones from sending information.
  2. They help car thieves and criminals who want to “disappear” off the radar.

Now, you might wonder: why do we, as Dexinkang company, sell these devices to the public?

The truth is, we can’t control how our products are used. It's up to the buyer to use them responsibly.

Jammers can also be used for good reasons, like protecting your family. We hope people can use our products for positive purposes.


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