In the US, it is a federal crime to interfere with kinds of aircraft, including drones. It's also illegal to use any type of jammer. The law enforcement agency will report any complaints to the FAA and FCC.
The shoulder-mounted drone jammers or disrupters on the market, which cost thousands of dollars, are only available to law enforcement agencies. In a combat zone, the military has more options. A civilian cannot own a jammer.
It's the law enforcement's job to deal with someone who is annoying you by using a drone. The US laws do not specify a specific distance for flying close to people, unlike some other countries. Law enforcement should be notified if drones are flying below your trees, or hovering so they can look into windows.
In the US, it's not illegal to hover or fly at a high altitude above your property.
Some states and localities have ordinances that prohibit overflights of private property. These are being challenged. Most states have recently adopted laws that follow FAA regulations.
Responsible drone pilots do not bother their neighbors. Some idiots hate drones. They will call the cops when they see or hear one. They may even lie to the dispatcher and say that it is annoying or peeping, but they are not.